

Certified Reiki Trainings and Reiki Mentorship Sessions are available for students within Canada, the US, the UK, Australia and New Zealand.

Certified Reiki Trainings

All Reiki courses are offered in the traditional Usui method of natural healing.
Reiki is a Japanese technique that uses Universal Life Force energy for healing. It is an ancient method of hands-on healing that can be taught to anyone who is willing to learn. This powerful healing practice helps balance the chakras and energy bodies, sending loving Universal energy to where it is most needed.
Reiki is a natural and gentle way to bring balance and harmony to the entire being, and offers a sense of peace, security and Well-Being to those who receive it. It is a wonderful way to release stress, tune into your heart and find ease in your daily life.
The journey of Reiki is ongoing and personal to each person who embarks upon it. Reiki is a beautiful way to connect deeply with your Higher Self and move through your days with that wisdom fully present.

Online Private Reiki Trainings

For each level, you will receive your manuals via email for you to work through at your own pace. Your manuals will be emailed to you within 24 hours of placing your order. All levels also include a distance Reiki session with me, and an angel card reading during your attunement.
Level 1 includes a one-hour Skype appointment, where you can have your questions answered about the material. The second half of our time together will be your attunement, which will initiate you into the energy of Reiki and allow you to offer Reiki to yourself.
Level 2 includes a one-hour Skype appointment to have your questions answered and for your attunement. Your Level 2 attunement will open you up further to the energy of Reiki, and give you the opportunity to offer Reiki to others. You will have a practicum portion where you offer distance Reiki to 2 clients as well. Your practicum will be completed via email.
The Master level includes a one-hour Skype appointment to have your questions answered and for your attunement. Your Master attunement opens you up to your full Soul power, and gives you the opportunity to teach Reiki (if you choose). You will have another practicum (completed via email) where you offer distance Reiki to 2 clients. You will also have a second one-hour Skype appointment to talk about the attunement process, teaching Reiki, and to answer any other questions you may have.
You can complete your Skype hours, distance Reiki sessions, and distance Reiki practicums on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 1-5pm MST.
Once you have completed all the hours and requirements for your level, you will receive your certificate!
If you have taken your Reiki training with another Master and would like to complete your levels with me, or re-certify, you can absolutely do that. Please email me and we can chat more about this process.

Reiki Level 1

Level 1 is focused upon self-healing. You'll learn the basics of Reiki and discover how to incorporate Reiki into your daily life. You'll explore how the healing process works, how to tune into the messages from your Source and angels, how to manage your own energy, and use Reiki to create the Life you desire.

Your registration fee includes:

- 2 Reiki manuals (a self-study and a practice manual) to be completed at your own pace
- A one hour private Skype session, where you can have your personal questions answered about how to apply the teachings of Reiki to your life (Your Level 1 attunement is included in this session)
- A distance Reiki session
- Lifetime email support
- 15% off all jewellery, sage bundles, and Reiki Infused Crystals (UK students will receive 15% off a second distance Reiki session)

In Level 1 you will explore:

- The history of Usui Reiki
- The chakras and energetic bodies
- How to tap into your intuitive abilities
- The Law of Attraction and how it relates to Reiki
- Meditation and how to establish a consistent personal practice
- How to preserve your energy levels
- The role of crystals in Reiki and how to work with them in your personal practice
- How to use the power of Reiki to manifest your dreams
- Self-Reiki and offering Reiki to your personal items, crystals, plants and animals

Investment: $275 CAD

Please click here to purchase your course!

"I just wanted to sincerely thank you for being my teacher! My intuition was really driving me to take your course and I am SO happy that I did! I found the information thorough and approachable, and your sweet nature and humour was a fantastic addition to all of your teachings. I feel so lucky to have been taught by you!"—Kristen, Calgary, AB

Reiki Level 2

In Level 2, you deepen your relationship with Reiki. You will explore how to more fully live your life in tune with Spirit, and understand how to build a thriving Reiki practice. This level includes powerful Reiki symbols, which will help to energize your practice, support your ability to offer emotional healing, and give you the skill to offer Reiki through a distance. After completing Level 2, you will be able to offer Reiki to clients, and to your family and friends.

Your registration fee includes:

- 2 Reiki manuals (a self-study and a practice manual) to be completed at your own pace
- A one hour private Skype session, where you can have your personal questions answered about how to apply the teachings of Reiki to your life (Your Level 2 attunement is included in this session)
- A distance Reiki session
- 2 practice distance client sessions (to be completed via email)
- Lifetime email support
- 15% off all jewellery, sage bundles, and Reiki Infused Crystals (UK students will receive 15% off a second distance Reiki session)

In Level 2 you will explore:

- Sacred symbols to deepen and increase your access to Reiki
- How to work with crystals in client sessions
- How to incorporate additional healing modalities into your sessions
- Ways to hold space for healing to take place for your clients and those you love
- How to deepen your ability to create a life of abundance and joy
- The role of business in Reiki and how to create a thriving Reiki practice
- How to work with your spirit animals
- How to incorporate higher vibrational levels of Reiki into your daily life

Investment: $375 CAD

Please click here to purchase your course!

"Thank you Naaz for these teachings. I just love the way you explained everything, and I just feel so much lighter and more in tune with who I am. I'm so happy I chose to take Reiki with you, and I'm really looking forward to continuing to learn more from you. You are an incredible teacher. Thank you."—Adele, Calgary, AB

Reiki Master

Reiki Master is all about stepping into your full Soul power. The Master training offers you a deep connection to the practice of Reiki, and helps you commit to your own personal path of spiritual growth and joy. In this level, you will explore the meaning of your eternal relationships, how to live your truth, find complete resonance with your Source, attract all that you desire into your Life experience, and embody the Love that is at the core of who you really are.

The Master Path is also known as the Teacher's Path. Those who complete their Reiki Master training have the option to teach Reiki courses in the Usui tradition. However, there is no requirement to teach Reiki once you have received your Master level. Many people come to Reiki Master courses for the sole purpose of receiving the attunement.

Your registration fee includes:

- 1 Reiki manual (a self-study manual) to be completed at your own pace
- A one hour private Skype session, where you can have your personal questions answered about how to apply the teachings of Reiki to your life (Your Master attunement is included in this session)
- A distance Reiki session
- 2 practice distance client sessions (to be completed via email)
- A second one hour private Skype session, to answer your questions about offering attunements, teaching Reiki, or anything else that you would like clarity on
- Lifetime email support
- 15% off all jewellery, sage bundles, and Reiki Infused Crystals (UK students will receive 15% off a second distance Reiki session)

In Reiki Master you will explore:

- How to deeply connect with your Source and angels, and the Universe at large
- What your personal spiritual path means to you, and how to live your truth on a daily basis
- How to become the Masterful Creator of your life experience
- Your relationships with others and how to elevate them to the highest levels of Love
- Sacred symbols to access the full power of Reiki
- A deeper understanding of the process of manifestation 
- What Unconditional Love truly means and how to become an example of it 
- How to teach a Reiki course and find your voice as a teacher
- How your client sessions will shift and how to offer a deeper Reiki experience to those who come to you for healing 

Investment: $475 CAD

Please click here to purchase your course!

"Naaz, I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this Reiki training. It was better than I dreamed it would be, and it truly was the answer to everything I was looking for. I would wholeheartedly recommend your training to everyone interested in learning Reiki, and exploring their spiritual path. This has opened up my energy in the most beautiful ways, and I'm so thankful to you for that."-Devon, Sydney, Australia

Reiki Mentorship

Reiki Mentorship sessions are designed to offer you a deeper experience of working with the energy of Reiki. Mentorship sessions are one-on-one experiences offered via Skype, and are available worldwide for Reiki practitioners of any level.

These are single sessions that are designed to personally support you in your Reiki practice. Whether you are interested in establishing a consistent self-Reiki practice, exploring your spirituality more deeply, opening up to your intuitive abilities, connecting with your angels, developing a thriving Reiki business, or learning how to step into the role of Teacher and share your gifts with others, Mentorship can support you at every level of your Reiki journey.

If you have been trained with another Reiki Master, and want to explore Mentorship with me, you’ll receive my Reiki manuals as additional support. These sessions are also beneficial for current students who would like more time together exploring topics of interest. 

Sessions are open format, so we can explore anything you are wanting to know with regards to Reiki. Here are a few examples of topics we can dive into together:

- Creating a consistent, personal spiritual practice that includes Reiki, meditation and journalling
- Fine-tuning your relationship with your Source and your angels
- Working with Law of Attraction and the teachings of Reiki to manifest your desires
- Building your Reiki business: how to attract your ideal clientele and make your sessions your own
- Stepping into the role of Teacher: how to create a training program that reflects who you are, how to share yourself as a Teacher, and attract your ideal students

If there are certain topics that are outside of the above list that you feel called to explore, please let me know and I can tailor your session to you.

Mentorship sessions are one hour in length and can be booked on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday from 1-5pm MST.

If you are new to my Reiki training program, your investment will include the Reiki manuals up to your current level of certification. All Mentorship students will receive an angel card reading at the end of your session.

If you have booked a Mentorship session with me before, you are welcome to use the current Reiki student rate.

Investment (One Session):

New Reiki students - $175 CAD
Current Reiki students - $95 CAD

Your investment includes:

- 15% off all jewellery, sage bundles, and Reiki Infused Crystals (UK students will receive 15% off a distance Reiki session)
- An angel card reading at the end of your session
- New students will receive the Reiki manuals up to their current level of certification

Please email me to book your Reiki Mentorship Session.

"My Mentorship session with you was amazing, thank you so much. I had taken Reiki with another Master and I really wanted more clarity on these beautiful teachings. I'm so glad to have found you. Your manuals are so well written, and our time together on Skype answered all my questions. Thank you so very much."-Elisha, Toronto, Ontario

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