Healing Sessions

Healing Sessions

Distance Reiki Sessions and Feng Shui Consultations are available for worldwide booking. Space Clearing Sessions are in person offerings available for those in the Calgary area.

Distance Reiki Sessions

Reiki is a Japanese technique that uses Universal life force energy for healing. This powerful healing practice helps balance the chakras and energy bodies, sending loving Universal energy to where it is most needed.

Reiki is a natural and gentle way to bring balance and harmony to the entire being, and offers a sense of peace, security and Well-Being to those who receive it. It does not interfere with any other methods of healing (medical or holistic) that you may currently be undertaking, but enhances and supports them.

The benefits of Reiki include:

-Supporting the body's natural ability to heal
-Soothing the emotions
-Balancing the energy centers in the body
-Inducing deep relaxation and stress relief
-Helping one tune into their spiritual guidance and intuitive abilities more deeply

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of Reiki and how it works, please have a look at a blog I wrote here.

Distance Reiki allows you to relax in the comfort of your own home while you receive your treatment. Please note there are no calls we need to be on for this session. This is simply your time to relax and receive the Reiki Energy.

For my Distance Reiki Sessions, I use a combination of energy clearing, Reiki and angelic guidance. I do ask that you set aside a full hour for your session, where you can lie down and rest somewhere comfortable (your bed or a cozy couch is ideal), and be undisturbed for our time together.

You may feel heat, coolness, or tingling in your body as the Reiki moves through you. Some people receive visions, or see colours as well. Most do feel pretty relaxed and supported during their session. I always encourage napping, or simply finding that gentle space between wakefulness and sleep, so your healing can unfold easily for you.

Once you are booked in, I will email you an information package on what to expect and how to prepare for your session, as well as a questionnaire that will allow me to assess your energy. After your session is complete, I will email you with insights that I received from your angels. I will pull an angel card for you and send you a picture of it as well.

I am always available to you via email for any questions or concerns you may have. The Reiki energy will stay with you for a few days following your session, and it's always nice to have that added support as your energy shifts.

One session - $95 CAD

Your investment includes: 

- 15% off all jewellery, sage bundles, and Reiki Infused Crystals

Sessions are one hour in length and can be booked on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday from 1-5pm MST.

Please email me to book your Distance Reiki Session.

“My virtual Reiki session was incredibly positive. I was blown away by the shifts I felt during and following the session. The feedback that I received promptly following the session had great relevance for me and where I was currently at in life. It brought valuable information that I was seeking and needing to move forward. It's hard to describe the love and light I felt coming out of the session. I was left feeling in awe of the power of the experience. I would highly recommend working with Naaz, should you have the opportunity.” —Kaitlin, Victoria, BC

Feng Shui Consultations

I am trained in the BTB (Black Hat Tantric Buddhism) School of Feng Shui. 

I take a holistic approach to Feng Shui which includes working with the BTB principles and the Law of Attraction, incorporating my knowledge of crystal healing, and helping you to find harmony within your own mind and body. 

My consultations work on balancing the energy within your home, office, or business. We’ll work together for a period of three months, with a clear focus on where you want to go in all areas of your life. During our time together, I'll help you align with your intentions, we’ll work on decluttering and letting go, and finding a deeper connection with yourself. In the process, you’ll find resonance with your desires, and you’ll also learn how to live a happy, well balanced life. 

I offer in person Feng Shui consultations within the Calgary area, and virtual Feng Shui consultations worldwide. Please note that if you are booking an in-person consultation, and you are located outside city limits, an additional travel fee may apply. Balzac, Bearspaw, Chestermere, Cochrane, Springbank, and Airdrie are excluded from additional travel fees. 

In Person Feng Shui Consultations:

We’ll begin by booking an in person meeting at your home, office, or business, which will be 2-3 hours in length. Prior to our meeting, I’ll request a copy of your floor plan (which can be from the purchase of your home or business, or you can sketch one out). Your floor plan allows me to see the energy of your space, and prepare for our in person meeting. 

During our in person meeting, we’ll chat about how the energy is flowing in your space, and what changes you would like to see in your life. We’ll take a walk through of your space, locate the different baguas (zones that correlate to different areas of your life), and begin to make some shifts in the areas you would like to see movement in (Relationships and Love, Wealth and Prosperity, Health and Well-Being, etc.)

After our in person meeting, you’ll receive a package which will give you more information about the energy of your space, as well as some helpful personal practices you can put into place to further balance your own energy. We’ll also schedule two more monthly follow up meetings (which will be an hour long and take place via Skype), where we’ll chat about how the changes are going, and make any more adjustments that are necessary. You’ll receive an angel card reading during each of our follow up meetings as well.

I’ll always be available to you via email throughout the three months we work closely together. I’m happy to take your questions via email once we have completed our three months of work together, if there is anything else you would like clarity on or need assistance with. 

Virtual Feng Shui Consultations 

Virtual Feng Shui Consultations are much like the in person consultations, except that we will do all of our meetings via Skype.

We’ll begin by booking a Skype meeting at your home, office, or business, which will be 2-3 hours in length. Prior to our meeting, I’ll request a copy of your floor plan (which can be from the purchase of your home or business, or you can sketch one out). Your floor plan allows me to see the energy of your space, and prepare for our first Skype meeting. 

During our first Skype meeting, we’ll chat about how the energy is flowing in your space, and what changes you would like to see in your life. We’ll take a walk through of your space, locate the different baguas (zones that correlate to different areas of your life), and begin to make some shifts in the areas you would like to see movement in (Relationships and Love, Wealth and Prosperity, Health and Well-Being, etc.)

After our first Skype meeting, you’ll receive a package which will give you more information about the energy of your space, as well as some helpful personal practices you can put into place to further balance your own energy. We’ll also schedule two more monthly follow up meetings via Skype (which will be an hour long), where we’ll chat about how the changes are going, and make any more adjustments that are necessary. You’ll receive an angel card reading during each of our follow up meetings as well.

I’ll always be available to you via email throughout the three months we work closely together. I’m happy to take your questions via email once we have completed our three months of work together, if there is anything else you would like clarity on or need assistance with. 


Pricing for both in person and virtual Feng Shui consultations is the same, and varies by the square footage of your space. All pricing is in CAD. If you purchase an in person Feng Shui Consultation and a Space Clearing together, you'll receive 10% off your total fee. 

Home office, or your personal office at your workplace - $450
500 - 1000 square feet - $900
1100 - 3000 square feet - $1200
3100 - 6000 square feet - $1500
6100 - 8000 square feet - $1800
Over 8100 square feet - please enquire for rates 

Your investment includes: 
- A detailed report about your home, office, or business
- A complimentary large sage bundle (which will be shipped for virtual clients)
- Messages from your angels during each of our follow up meetings 
- 15% off all jewellery, sage bundles, and Reiki Infused Crystals

In person and virtual Feng Shui Consultations can be booked on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday from 1:30-3pm MST.

Please email me to book your Feng Shui Consultation.

“My Feng Shui consultation has been amazing. I have made so many positive shifts within myself and within my home. With Naaz's help, it feels like miracles are taking place for me. Thank you so much for your guidance throughout this process, Naaz. I feel so blessed to be able to work with you.” —Jennifer, Calgary, AB

Space Clearing

I offer in person Space Clearing sessions within the City of Calgary and surrounding areas. Please note that if you are located outside city limits, an additional travel fee may apply. (Balzac, Bearspaw, Chestermere, Cochrane, Springbank, and Airdrie are excluded from additional travel fees). 

Space Clearing is a process used to clear stagnant energy from your body, home, office, or business.

During a clearing session, we work with the energy of fire to cleanse and release what is no longer serving you. The clearing works both on your space and your personal energy. A fire clearing is a powerful, beautiful ritual that taps into the love and support of your angels, Source, and loved ones who have passed on. The fire ceremony will be taught to you so you can perform the clearing as needed. 

I will arrive at your home, office, or business with all the necessary supplies and we will do a short walk through of your space, to determine how the energy is currently flowing. I may offer you suggestions on how to enhance the energy flow in your space. We’ll also chat a bit about why you are wanting this clearing.

Once the walk through is complete, we’ll begin the fire ceremony, and I’ll teach you all the steps necessary to do it yourself. The entire clearing session will take about 1-3 hours, depending on the size of your space. 

Fire clearings are recommended when moving into a new home or workspace, after a renovation, after a major life transition (birth, death, divorce, etc.), anytime you need a fresh start, or as a ritual performed with the cycles of the moon.

I often receive messages from your angels and guides during the clearing process as well, which I will gladly share with you.

The benefits of a fire clearing include:

-A sense of lightness, positive energy and Love in your space
-Releasing suppressed emotions
-An enhanced feeling of clarity and ease in your mind and body
-Increased intuition and the ability to clearly communicate with your Source, angels and guides


Pricing varies by the square footage of your space. All pricing is in CAD.

If you purchase an in person Feng Shui Consultation and a Space Clearing together, you'll receive 10% off your total fee. If you have booked a clearing with me before, and you would like me to do additional clearings for your home, office, or business, you'll receive a discounted rate. Please get in touch for discounted pricing if you are a repeat client. 

100 - 2000 square feet - $275
2100 - 4000 square feet - $475
4100 - 6000 square feet - $675
6100 - 8000 square feet - $875
Over 8100 square feet - please enquire for rates 

Your investment includes: 
- A lesson on how to perform a fire clearing yourself
- A complimentary large sage bundle
- Messages from your angels, and a complimentary angel card to support your journey as you move forward 
- 15% off all jewellery, sage bundles, and Reiki Infused Crystals

Space Clearing sessions can be booked on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday from 1:30-3pm MST.

Please email me to book your Space Clearing.

“The clearing session was incredible. I feel such a shift in my home and in my own energy. Naaz really has a gift and I am so thrilled to have found her.” —Meagan, Calgary, AB